Johnny Depp recalls booing Tom Hanks for his breakthrough role and reveals that this movie star nearly played the iconic character Edward Scissorhands.
Johnny Depp recalls booing Tom Hanks for his breakthrough role and reveals that this movie star nearly played the iconic character Edward Scissorhands.

Johnny Depp recalls booing Tom Hanks for his breakthrough role and reveals that this movie star nearly played the iconic character Edward Scissorhands.

Johnny Depp played an artificial man named Edward in the 1990 dark fantasy film. Edward was a global celebrity because he possessed scissor blades for his hands.

In every sense of the term, Johnny Depp is a movie star. His breakthrough performance as Edward Scissorhands in Tim Burton’s 1990 Gothic Fantasy picture solidified his legendary position as a Hollywood star.

Depp portrayed an artificial man named Edward in the dark fantasy film, who won over admirers throughout the world despite having scissor blades for hands. Due to the film’s popularity, Depp became Burton’s muse and was chosen to star in several fantasy films, such as the beloved classics Sleepy Hollow, Dark Shadows, and Sweeney Todd.

But according to Depp’s recent revelation, these A-list actors might have won the film that inspired Burton and him to work together creatively. In a recent Tim Burton docuseries, Johnny Depp talked about beating over some of the industry’s top names for his breakthrough performance in Edward Scissorhands.

According to Johnny Depp, he was chosen for the Edward Scissorhands role over Tom Hanks and Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson and Tom Hanks were beaten for the part, according to Depp. The actor is not the first to mention the Tom Hanks Story. The actor acknowledged that, following the popularity of Tim Burton films, he experienced imposter syndrome and worried about his job during the first two weeks of Ed Wood, Scissorhands, and Sleepy Hollow in a 1999 interview with Charlie Rose.

Johnny Depp clarified that he was afraid because of something that happened when he was filming Edward Scissorhands. While filming the film, he remembers learning that Hanks was being considered for the role and being certain that the star of “You’ve Got Mail” would take his place.

According to Johnny Depp, this actor almost played Edward Scissorhands

According to Johnny Depp in the Tim Burton documentary, Tom Cruise “was not far away from actually playing Edward Scissorhands—true story.”

The cult movie’s screenplay, Caroline Thompson, revealed how Tom Cruise was passed over for the part after meeting with Tim Burton and posing a query to him.

Thompson recalled, “He inquired about Edward’s restroom habits during his interview with Tim. The entire thing collapses if you start posing those queries. Such questions are not acceptable. You’re f***ed if you ask questions like that. Both the metaphor and the point are lost on you.

Depp eventually got the part despite the competition, and the rest is legendary history.

Read Also: When Johnny Depp Recounted His Strange Experience With M Night Shyamalan and Withdrew From A Project Due to the Director’s “Strange” Behavior


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