Review Sriranga Neethulu—Merely for a little amusement
Review Sriranga Neethulu—Merely for a little amusement

Review: Sriranga Neethulu—Merely for a little amusement

Sriranga Neethulu film is called Sri Ranga Neethulu. Date of Release: April 11, 2024, IMDB Rating:8.6 Starring with Viraj Ashwin, Ruhani Sharma, Karthik Rathnam, and Suhas Praveen Kumar VSS, director Venkateshwar Rao Balmuri is the producer. Ajay Arasada and Harshavardhan Rameshwar are the music directors. Film director: Tijo Tomy Sasank Vupputuri, editor

Starring Suhas, Ruhani Sharma, Viraj Ashwin, and Karthik Rathnam, the low-budget movie Sriranga Neethulu has opened. Director Praveen Kumar VSS is in charge. Let’s examine the movie.

Movie Story:

Four characters—Suhas, Viraj Ashwin, Ruhani Sharma, and Karthik Rathnam—who are dealing with various life challenges are the subject of the movie. Karthik Rathnam is a drug addict, whereas Suhas works as a TV mechanic. Ruhani Sharma and Viraj Ashwin have been dating for a few years. The story of Sriranga Neethulu centers on the issues these individuals face and how they resolve them.

Positive Points in Sriranga Neethulu Movie:

The casting work by Sriranga Neethulu’s crew was excellent. In this anthology film, every actor delivered a very strong performance. Being a gifted actor, Ruhani Sharma has once again performed admirably in this movie. Ruhani’s acting skills are making an impact in many genres.

Suhas is a seasoned performer who commanded the stage in Sriranga Neethulu. His delivery of the dialogue and body language are spot on. As a heroin addict, Karthik Rathnam deserves praise, and his sequences with Devi Prasad turned out fantastically. One positive aspect of the movie is that it features four or five amusing scenes that make us grin.

Minus Points in Sriranga Neethulu Movie:

The filmmaker attempted to address the contemporary generation with his message. However, the presentation of the social message is perhaps more crucial than its content. Herein lies Sriranga Neethulu’s weakness. While there are a few enjoyable moments strewn throughout, the most crucial element—the emotional depth—is absent. The enjoyable parts are undoubtedly enjoyable, but the main theme has been overpowered by the humor.

While exposing some of the challenges that are present in real life, the novella does not provide anything novel. It is challenging to support the main characters, though, because they are not properly developed to begin with. Viraj and Ruhani’s romantic trajectory is ambiguous, making it challenging to discern what the fuss is all about.

The lack of details extends to Karthik Rathnam’s character as well. What caused Karthik to become inebriated? The cause is kept a secret. Merely having good intentions is insufficient. Also, they ought to be communicated efficiently and unambiguously. For these kinds of movies, the climactic parts are crucial, but sadly, Sriranga Neethulu’s closing sequences are badly written and handled, so viewers would leave feeling rather let down.

Technical Aspects:

Both the background score and soundtrack are passable. The images by Tijo Tomy are attractive, and the production qualities are good. It would have been better to edit.

The direction of Praveen Kumar VSS doesn’t make an impression. The comedic parts are masterfully written and performed, but the sad parts lack sufficient attention to detail. The movie finishes too soon and the intended lesson isn’t conveyed clearly. The second half saw a loss of authority over the proceedings.


Overall, Sriranga Neethulu aims to convey a message to the youth of today. There are some enjoyable moments in the movie, and Suhas, Ruhani Sharma, Viraj Ashwin, and Karthik Rathnam all do well in their parts. The picture picks up momentum in the second half after a decent first half. The movie doesn’t have the appropriate emotional depth, and the intended message isn’t conveyed clearly. If the group had addressed these issues, the outcome could have been significantly better.

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