Ma Oori Polimera 2 Movie Review
Ma Oori Polimera 2 Movie Review

Ma Oori Polimera 2 Movie Review

Ma Oori Polimera 2 Movie Review: The director is currently presenting Ma Oori Polimera 2, the sequel, on the big screen after the film’s enormous success upon its initial release on OTT. There are very high expectations for this movie.

Rating: 3/5


Baladitya, Chitram Seenu, Ravi Varma, Satyam Rajesh, Kamakshi Bhaskarla, Getup Srinu

Director: Dr. Anil Vishwanath

Producer: Gowr Kriesna

Music Director: Gyaani

Cinematographers: Kushedar Ramesh Reddy

Editor: Sree Vara


In search of his missing brother Komuraiah (Satyam Rajesh), Jangaiah (Baladitya) sets out. The new SI, Ravindra Naik (Rakendu Mouli), arrives in Jasthipalli to look into the unexplained deaths in the community in the interim. Simultaneously, an archaeology department group shows interest in visiting a shuttered village temple. Komuraiah is where? What mysteries lie within the temple? Was Jangaiah able to locate his brother? Does the temple have any connection to Komuraiah? The movie will reveal the solutions to these riddles.

Plus Points

The intriguing thing is that director Anil Vishwanath does a great job developing the narrative, emphasizing the relationships between the characters. He convincingly relates them.

The way Satyam Rajesh portrayed Komuraiah is praiseworthy. He stays mostly silent and depends on his facial expressions, but he still gives a passable performance.

In the second hour, Sri Kamakshi Bhaskarla’s crucial part in the movie comes to life. Her acting is understated and straightforward. Rakendu Mouli, Getup Srinu, and the other actors try their hardest to keep the audience interested.

The audience is kept captivated by the second half’s abundance of unexpected turns and twists. The music greatly enhances the movie as well.

Negative Points

The director briefly discusses the temple mystery in the second part but doesn’t go into great detail. A more captivating narrative centered on the enigmatic temple would have made it so. Instead, the director focuses mostly on drawing connections between past events and present-day happenings.

While the story is passable, the film’s appeal could have been increased with a more captivating first half of the screenplay.

To increase the attraction of the movie, the director could have selected a more well-known actor instead of Rakendu Mouli, who doesn’t seem to be the greatest fit for the part.

There are a few scary scenes in the movie that might not be relatable to most viewers, especially those with young children.

Technical Aspects

Because the director intends for this to be a franchise, not all of the mysteries are answered in this follow-up. Although the goal is admirable, a compelling narrative and a sensual screenplay are required to hold the audience’s interest.

In terms of music, Gyaani does a fantastic job, adding intensity to several scenes in both halves. In particular, the scene in the temple where snakes encircle the lead is noteworthy.

A big part of this kind of film is the cinematography. Regretfully, Kushedar Ramesh Reddy’s output falls short of expectations. The audience may eventually feel alienated from the repeated flashbacks. Eliminating a few of these moments could have made the whole experience better. The production values are excellent.


Overall, Ma Oori Polimera 2 provides passable thrills. The highlights are Satyam Rajesh’s performance, the second-half turns, and the strong score. The film’s shortcomings include an overabundance of frightening scenes, a plodding first half, and a lot of flashback scenes. You might find this sequel more interesting if you’ve seen Ma Oori Polimera 1. This weekend, thriller fans should see this film.


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