Haddhu Ledhuraa Review: Tedious Action Drama
Haddhu Ledhuraa Review: Tedious Action Drama

Haddhu Ledhuraa Review: Tedious Action Drama

The film “Haddhu Ledhuraa,” directed by Rajashekkar Raavi and produced by Veeresh Gaajula, premiered on March 21, 2024. Despite its promising cast including Ashish Gandhi, Ashok, Varsha Vishwanath, Hrithika Srinivas, Rajiv Kanakala, and Tanikella Bharani, the movie received a lukewarm reception with a rating of 2/5. Set against the backdrop of compelling cinematography by AK Anandh and enhanced by the music of Kamal Kumar D., the film struggled to captivate audiences. Gowtham Raj Nerusu’s editing attempted to streamline the narrative, yet the overall execution failed to resonate strongly. While the film may have had potential, it ultimately fell short of delivering a memorable cinematic experience.

Here is the Trailer for the Haddhu Ledhuraa Movie

Ashish Gandhi’s new film, Haddhu Ledhuraa, premiered today. Read the review to see how it performs.


Arjun (Ashish Gandhi) and Krishna (Ashok) had been best friends since childhood. Arjun is always willing to go to any length to serve Krishna. Krishna one day finds himself in difficulty and needs Arjun’s help to get out. What’s the problem? Does Arjun successfully rescue Krishna? The movie tells the rest of the story.

Bonus Points:

Ashish Gandhi does a fantastic job as Arjun, clearly capturing the essence of a kind friend. Both his appearance and performance are excellent, indicating that he may play large roles in the future.

Ashok does a passable job in the part. Rajiv Kanakala and Thanikella Bharani are entertaining in the sequences they appear in, despite their little screen time.

Negative Points:

The narrative is well-known and expected. The film has a great beginning, but it rapidly lags. The main premise is fine, but the director should have given more attention to interesting storytelling.

Heroines Varsha Vishwanath and Hrithika Srinivas only appear in a few moments and contribute very little to the story.

Numerous scenes have bad lip-syncing, which can be ascribed to the director’s carelessness in supervising the finished product. Additionally, Ashok’s expressionless language and neutral gazes detract from his lackluster performance in sequences that call for emotional expression.

To increase the dramatic tension, Rajiv Kanakala’s character should have been introduced sooner. The director does not make the most of seasoned actor Thanikella Bharani’s abilities.

Technical Details:

Rajashekkar Raavi, the director, writes bad dialogue and does a lousy job of telling the plot. While Kamal Kumar D’s (late) songs are good, Abinizer Paul’s background score falls short of elevating key moments. Editor Gowtham Raj Nerusu had the opportunity to cut out parts of both halves that weren’t necessary. The cinematography is passable. 


Haddhu Ledhuraa is an average action drama overall, with a cliched plot and dull writing. With the possible exception of Ashish Gandhi’s performance, the movie doesn’t do much to hold audiences’ attention. Look into other forms of amusement for this coming weekend.

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