A Netflix original film, “It’s What’s Inside” is a dark-comedy sci-fi film. Directed by Greg Jardin, the movie exposes the nature of friendship and personal identity alongside the ramifications of repressed aspirations using a most exceptional concept of two bodies switching places. This movie has an excellent cast list and comedy and horror lovers can prepare for an exciting movie with an intense focus on the evil side of human characters.
Release Date:
“It’s What’s Inside,” was released on January 19, 2024.
Role | Name/s |
Director | Greg Jardin |
Producers | William Rosenfeld, Kate Andrews, Jason Baum, Raúl Domingo |
Story Writer | Greg Jardin |
Editor | Greg Jardin |
Music Director | Andrew Hewitt |
Character Name | Actor/Actress |
Nikki | Alycia Debnam-Carey |
Dennis | Gavin Leatherwood |
Brooke | Reina Hardesty |
Beatrice | Madison Davenport |
Forbes | David W. Thompson |
Maya | Nina Bloomgarden |
Hattie | Hailee Keanna Lautenbach |
Cyrus | James Morosini |
Reuben | Devon Terrell |
Shelby | Brittany O’Grady |
It features a group of friend who comes together to a pre-wedding bash is planned by Reuben. The mood suddenly changes when an old friend, Forbes turns up with a briefcase containing a body-swapping machine. This is a kind of game that people would play during a party, and soon the game leads to another side people never knew existed within them. The film follows its characters as they deal with insecurity and challenges for their new socially changed persona. This film has an in-depth analysis of self-actualization as well as the social persona that people assume in civil society.
This light-hearted body-swap comedy film easily tackles the serious question of identity and relationships with a little help from a creative approach. The film’s strongest aspect of creativity, namely the idea of the characters the director and writers tried to present and their relations, is a triumph but Pace and storyline often got confused at times. In general, it provides a thrilling and unpredictable show with inspiring actors’ acting.
- Unique Concept: This setting is highly versatile because shared experiences can be told from new angles and fresh points of view, given the difference in characters’ bodies.
- Strong Ensemble Cast: The casts are remarkably impressive throughout the show. Every performer leaves subtlety in their roles: Alycia Debnam-Carey for Nikki and James Morosini for Cyrus.
- Humour and Satire: Humbling moreover, the author shoots the picture with the right proportion of comedy and serious motifs to bring laughs from the audience and make people think at the same time.
- Visual Style: There is good use of shots and softened colours which gives the movie a nice view that fulfils the purpose of cinematography.
- Pacing Issues: Occasionally, the scenes seem to be slightly overextended or, on the contrary, give an impression of having been substantially condensed, most evidently in the second part of the story.
- Predictable Elements: Some of the turns may bring associations to other movies of such genre, reducing overall spectacles’ exciting factor recognizable for the viewer.
- Character Development: Whereas some opposed characters are complex, others seem to be developed in a sketchy manner and, therefore, their intentions are not quite as well characterized.
Technical Aspects:
- Direction: Even though Greg Jardin was seemingly trying to make a huge statement, his direction at times appears a bit scatterbrained. The movie does convey both comedy and suspense but maybe needs some better speed.
- Cinematography: Division visual is one of the film’s strengths, effective use of shooting angles that complement both the comedy and dramatic scenes.
- Editing: More editing accuracy was needed to keep a rhythm throughout the movie; some scenes with transitions are too sudden.
- Music: The score works with the movie’s mood adding emotional impact in certain moments and even funny tones as well.
- Alycia Debnam-Carey (Nikki): Unfortunately her comedic facets are as typical as her dramatic ones she convincingly portrays her character’s insecurity alongside the pretence of being a comedienne.
- James Morosini (Cyrus): Despite this, he puts comedy in his part and at the same time depicts his character’s turmoil well.
- Ensemble Cast: They all contribute to the lively environment characterising the film successfully and hence the scenes coming out genuine.
Moviepoptime Review:
Oh, my first impressions were oh this is going to be cheesy I thought it was cheesy at some point I got interested but then I was like no this is cheesy at every moment but wait after half an hour I started to think if I recommend this to anyone I will tell them to stick around because it gets interesting good lol. Then when it got good I was so mind-blown trying to keep everyone straight. I sometimes find myself saying, I honestly think I’m gonna have to watch it again.
The use of the camera was very great. This is the part of the series: “The music While I was watching I thought, What the hell was wrong with the producers? Of course, they are the producers of this crap series. I can understand why they did lol It is a difficult review since I don’t want to reveal much but ignore the negatives. Give this a chance. Oh, I must say I enjoyed the actor in ‘Forbes’. You will find out why, I put that name in parenthesis after the movie.
For some time now, I must say that it is a great plot. I opine that the people could have been looked more older though. They boast like they are high school students while in actual sense, they are supposed to be college-updated blog post ideas.
So my first preconceived impressions were, man this is going to be cheesy, then I watched it thinking, man this is cheesy, but then I got interested, only to catch myself and think cheesy, but after half an hour I was thinking if I recommended this to anyone, I would have to tell them to stay with it because it will get good. Then when it got good I was so mind-blown trying to keep everyone straight. Well, to be honest with you I am going to set my TV to watch it again. The use of cameras was well done.
The music and while I was wondering why the hell they played that music? I understand why they did lol It’s a tricky one because it’s a spoiler review so don’t listen to the haters, folks. Give this a chance. Frankly, speaking, I particularly liked the actor who acted in the role of ‘Forbes’. You’ll understand why I added that name in parenthesis after the movie. Well, let me tell you one thing – it is given and it is a great plot. I think the people could have been proven to be a bit older though. They behave like high school kids but you’re supposed to be a college graduate already.
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