Lonely Planet

Genre - Drama, Romance

Cast - Laura Dern, Liam Hemsworth, Diana Silvers


Lonely Planet is a 2024 romantic drama film premiered by director Susannah Grant who also appeared in Erin Brockovich and the series Unbelievable. This film has good actors: Laura Dern, Liam Hemsworth and Diana Silvers. Against the backdrop of on-screen Maghreb, Lonely Planet tells about love the processes of searching and finding a partner along with evaluating their relationships, paying attention to the problem of age difference. And as the characters try to come to terms with their grapple and search for purpose at a writers’ colony the film says something about finding companionship in the most peculiar places.

Release Date:

The new show Lonely Planet first aired on 10 October 2024 on the platform of Netflix. When the film came out, being a romantic drama showcasing an unusual love story, fans of such genre were waiting for such movies to watch on Netflix.


Role Name/s
Director Susannah Grant
Producer Liza Chasin, Susannah Grant, Sarah Timberman
Story Writer Susannah Grant
Editor Kevin Tent
Music Director Pinar Toprak


Character Actor/Actress
Katherine Loewe Laura Dern
Owen Brophy Liam Hemsworth
Lily Kemp Diana Silvers
Fatema Benzakour Rachida Brakni
Yassin Ben Youcef
Ugo Jaconelli Adriano Giannini
Gunnar Gustav Dyekjær Giese
Rafih Abdo Younès Boucif
Bob Dillon Lane
Patricia Bellina Logan
Hamid Sami Fekkak
Luca Francesco Martino


The film centers on Katherine Loewe, a popular writer and thoroughly unhappy woman on the verge of divorce after a long period of cohabitation with her partner. Desperate for ideas for the new novel and the general direction in her life, Katherine goes to the writers’ club in Morocco. Here she meets Owen Brophy played by Liam Hemsworth, who works as a finance manager while his girlfriend is the artist whom Clara is meant to help at the retreat Lily Kemp played by Diana Silvers.

Key Plot Points
  • Katherine’s Struggles: The movie starts with Katherine facing writer’s block and an emotional breakdown Following her recent breakup. In this case, she desires to maintain the creativity of the team by going for retreats to replenish fresh ideas.
  • Owen’s Dilemma: While Owen is proud of his wife’s attempts to become a writer he feels threatened by her accomplishments. He fails to find his self and his role as a writer he observes Lily growing artistically among successful writers.
  • Unexpected Connection: What is more interesting is that as Katherine and Owen stay together in the retreat, they embrace each other. What threatens both male characters is examined in the course of their communication; therefore, their interactions are characterized by moments of intimacy.
  • Conflict and Resolution: It becomes mixed up as the character, Lily gets jealous and confrontations are made that make both Katherine and Owen realize their stand. They must both consider some questions; can they each carry on and nurture their newfound attachment?
  • Self-Discovery: Last but not least it is necessary to note that Lonely Planet is about searching for oneself and being empowered. Katherine being a mother and a wife discovers the existence of other facets to her life than being a mother or wife, also Owen gains confidence in his dream.

The outside climax of the movie leans heavily toward the element of affection and regeneration within the character.


There have been various responses to Lonely Planet by critics ranging from almost negative to generally positive. It has received high compliments for the performers and scenic elements but a few critics said that the show lacking in pace and characterization.


  • Strong Performances: Katherine is well played by Laura Dern and the film captures the inherent vulnerability of the character, her anguish, etc, quite well. But Liam Hemsworth as Owen is good also I found him very ordinary and easy to identify with the typical Hollywood hot hunk.
  • Beautiful Cinematography: The setting in Morocco is lovely and brilliantly executed; the beautiful locales add to the romantic drama and the story.
  • Exploration of Age-Gap Dynamics: On the aspect of age – age-difference relationships, the movie does not shy away from depicting the different difficulties that are displayed in such relationships as well as the various moments of happiness.


  • Pacing Issues: Several scholars pointed out that mainly some scenes seemed to be either dragged out thus negatively affecting the level of viewers’ attention.
  • Predictable Tropes: Overall many psychological aspects of the story are very interesting but concerning the plot line some nitty-gritty may be slightly cliché for contemporary romantic drama lovers.
  • Character Development: While main characters feel three-dimensional they still may lack the depth of supporting characters to truly appeal to the audience.

Technical Aspects:

Overall Lonely Planet is approximately 102 minutes in length which is perfect to have a tiny introduction about the targeted countries.

  • Cinematography: Ben Smithard has done the cinematography of the film capturing the colours of Morocco very well. Natural light is employed to enliven specific scenes, and the feel of the show is in-depth for the audience.
  • Direction: The movie’s direction is a sublime colloquialism and emotions by the director Susannah Grant. She develops a delightful environment in which inhabitants are interested in the characters’ stories and experience tension at the right time.
  • Editing: The editing is easily locked in a good rhythm but gets a little wobbly at the scene changes. Occasionally, it would have been better to have the images trimmed to better support the story.


  • Laura Dern as Katherine Loewe: Katherine Lowey is portrayed perfectly by Laura Dern. She gives the character needed tenderness and power as well as anxiety associated with the feeling of love and the discovery of one’s vanity. Dern’s acting talent of expressing what amounts to heartbreak throughout this component of the movie brings a layer of realism to the experience Katherine endures as a viewer.
  • Liam Hemsworth as Owen Brophy: Liam Hemsworth is as impressive as Owens Brophy, getting the beauty and the darkness of the character. By choosing this lead, his character development reflects Owen’s character in the storyline between Katherine and Lily besides trying to find himself.
  • Diana Silvers as Lily Kemp: Lily Kemp is played perfectly by Diana Silvers. Her role causes conflict in the plot as a character develops jealousy and insecurity when pursuing her career as a writer.
  • Supporting Cast: The aforementioned carries supporting characters, who make some outstanding contributions to the film, but some characters are not highly developed to make the audiences emotionally influenced.

Moviepoptime Review:

I found this movie to be quite beautiful. The plot of the movie is simple and it could be any uncommon love story. A lot of people are going to mistake it for too ‘plain’ and too ‘slow’ which is an absolute beauty to a great love story and a feel-good factor.

Never thought Liam Hemsworth and Laura Dern could be a perfect pair but seeing that two very similar people can get together because “the universe will provide”, and that fate will make sure that you’ll find someone if you remain still makes me feel that everything will work out great in the end or at least shortly. You should watch it if you are in a “deep” mood and you’re seeking beauty.


Of these, Lonely Planet is the brightest and the most enchanting movie to talk about love and self-searching through the prism of romantic drama. Strong performances and versatile plot and characters make the show address the matters concerning relationships with gusto and maintain the audience’s interest till its very end.

Although like any other Shojo Ai show, it has flaws concerning pacing and rather cliché as most love stories portray It is an exception in how it addresses inner conflicts within series themes individually, socially, and politically. The film contains the elements of the entertainment genre while carrying a figurative meaning that addresses modern viewers to the problems encountered by those people longing for affection in the face of obstacles.

In conclusion, Lonely Planet is very recommended for all the lovers of romantic drama who want to get to know eternal love stories connected with some kind of fight for the true feeling in hearts. That is why its release on Netflix allows viewers who have been wanting deeper and more meaningful content that makes them reflect on love in the present day. While watching a story about a woman and her relationships and discovery of herself, viewers are offered questions as to who and how can be close to her – thus, this film is not limited to the viewers’ love experience while watching, but poses questions about relationships in the given fragmentation of the world.

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