Gorre Puranam

Genre - Comedy, Drama

Cast - Suhas Pagolu, Vishika Kota, Posani Krishna Murali, Raghu Karumanchi


Gorre Puranam is a comedy-drama movie in Telugu language, script and direction by Bobby Varma, the release date 20/09/2024. Leading actors in the movie are Suhas and Vishika Kota while Posani Krishna Murali joined the cast too. On plot, much is expected because there is the cast and director who were, involved in this piece of work that can be obtained anywhere in the world. This review will give a spotlight on the storytelling of the film, technicality, cast and experiences as many are itching to watch movies out in theaters.

Release Date:

Gorre Puranam was released for the theatres on September 20, 2024. This release came in the festive season, which is the last quarter of the year when most people would prefer to stay indoors, for instance, watching movies.


Gorre Puranam has a resemblance to real life about the family and what they have to do and on the other hand today’s issues blended with comedy elements and emotions. As nearly all aspects of the movie are camouflaged, one can identify the fact the movie tells the story of a hopeful man faced with different trials in his life. Still, it is well expected that the narrative at some time incorporates some comical business along with some scenes that might evoke sentiments.


More importantly, in addition to the viewership response, the show has received quite a lot of positive responses in its first season. Some fanatics have however described the movie as different, unique and comedy that imitates societal problems at the same time in a real sense. Another criterion that gets relatively similar attention is the script that is used when watching the movie in contention or the dialogue as used in the movie.

Plus Points:

  • Engaging Storyline: It is in this connection that all the phenomena occur in such a manner that the viewers can find both the joke and, in all that is happening, warmth and something weighty.
  • Strong Performances: The majority of the cast particularly Suhas and Vishika Kota have acted well in their respective roles. Authorization mechanism shall be well facilitated with the provision of natural activities by most of the casts particularly Suhas as well as Vishika Kota.
  • Direction: It would be impossible not to notice that the film direction by Bobby Varma was appreciated since while shooting the movie he did not exaggerate the comedy aspect of the movie and he did not underestimate the drama aspect as well.
  • Cinematic Quality: Of all the parameters that may be imitated within the soundtrack of the movie, auditory projection, choice of songs in the soundtrack and quality of lighting used are quite commendable depending on the mood created in the particular movie.
  • Audience Appeal: The movie contains oppressive themes that make it fit for ladies and men of all ages all over the world, and hence befitting for a family movie.

Minus Points:

  • Predictability: Of course most of the time there are some alterations that one could make but the changes sometimes mean that it is cut down to some aspect that some of the critics thought that the motion picture was rather predictable in scene or sequence.
  • Character Development: Of the concerns that were underneath it some or most of them were a point to characterization whereby most of the second characters were not portrayed as much as could have been of help in the further progression of the story.
  • Pacing Issues: The major stakeholders most of the viewers said that it was approximately right, however, there were comments that some scenes were made slowly or that some inclusions were not very wise at all.

Technical Aspects:

In the technical scenario, it perhaps can be said that all that has been done for Gorre Puranam has been done very well. It also has the mobility for comedy film it also possesses energy for comedy film and it has also employed the correct type of Cinematography to capture the colour. Leading to seamless transitions devoid of any drag and great editing to make it even better. As our assignment, we have noted that the soundtrack does well for each scene including transition scenes and offers good tunes and juvenile tunes that children would enjoy.

  • Cinematography: Discussing cartoons in which the gag is represented in scenes that employ humour to express some kind of audience reaction.
  • Editing: The given signal is very strongly controlled with a constant focus on the attention of the audience throughout the composition.
  • Soundtrack: It is as lively and endearing and has a proportion of cheerful and sentimental songs and is suitable for the movie theme.


One of the concerns seems to have been served which shows that one of the behaviours of the characters of Gorre Puranam that lacks in the play is the children’s punishment. Suhas can deliver many different emotions to his character from being more comedic to being dramatic. Vishika Kota is equally good to him since she looks bubbling on the screen and also has some good sharing with the lead Suhas. Posani Krishna Murali has shown brilliant flexibility in his acting and has come to relief in the movie.

  • Suhas: Today, people enjoy so much his humour, which allows him to transition between jokes and seriousness appropriately.
  • Vishika Kota: It liberates components of her personality and regarding situations she encounters thus making her distinctive.
  • Posani Krishna Murali: In the funny episodes of the picture, a lot of the value is created by this actor.

MoviePopTime Review:

At once I had liked the provisions as an emotional type which I think is ideal for the soap opera kind. The viewer gets quite easily drawn into the setting and the characters within the series which is quite surprising to think about the fact that characters are suffering some of the time. The director of cinematography gives excellent performance in the best movie’s screenplay and as a result, provides a boost to the storytelling.

I also want to talk about the efforts of all the actors, including the leading ones, and, among them, observe certain sentiments that the actors sought to convey to the population. I could believe that I was in the show, the real conditions which they experience, the victories they earn, the occurrences which happen to them.

As for the comments, let me add that, in most cases, the director was close to making the movie too long, and the rate of some scenes is not optimal. Nevertheless, I would like to point out that if one constructed the climax scenes as relatively slight, the movie left a proper end to the story.

Thus, about the concepts that I have outlined based on the notion I have for ‘Gorre Puranam’, I would like to use the last one If I were to visualize it as a picture this would indeed become rather intriguing to watch out for because of the correct script as well as the gentle handling of the emotion that has gone into the making of the picture. Thus, while briefly describing one of the movies, I am quite sure that I would recommend any person a film that has as much content, which will not make any person yawn.


Therefore Mel Gibson’s Gorre Puranam comes into existence as a hitter to construct out its history in the Telugu cinema in the year 2024. Early in the show, Bobby Varma seems to direct the show well while the cast’s act is strong, the storyline is good but should have been backed with better comedy and drama. It does contain quite a few moments which essentially can be guessed and it does slow from time to time, though it is not very big of the issue.

Gorre Puranam is waiting to carve out its niche in the minds of the viewers whenever they get inclined to throng theatres in this festive season to seek essence as well as enjoyment in a movie. This film becomes yet another comedy for everyone out there in search of laughter as much as being a spectacular true-life story.

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